U.S. Ambassador Adrian Zuckerman’s Remarks at the Ford Plant in Craiova

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February 7, 2020

Good Morning Mr. Prime Minister


Mr. McCall

Mr. Pearson

ladies and gentlemen.

It is a pleasure to be here with you to highlight the success of an outstanding American company and its impact on Romania. I believe the story of Ford is an excellent example of what can happen when the United States and Romania work together. In what was an outdated and underperforming automotive plant, Ford has invested over EUR 1.5 billion. Today this plant provides over 6,300 hardworking Romanians with great jobs. These exceptional workers, who should be very proud of their craftsmanship,.

The example of Ford is just one of many success stories occurring throughout Romania. Investors are hiring and training workers, collaborating with the government to develop a more economically secure Romania, not just for the educated elite, but for all workers. Romania has made great strides and has the potential to become a regional leader. Yet to realize that potential, there is still work to be done.

It will take visionary leaders, such as President Iohannis and Interim Prime Minister Orban, to meet the challenges that lie ahead and lead this country into a modern Romanian Renaissance, a renaissance not only for the economy, but for all facets of Romanian life.

Romania has a rich and proud history, of culture, science, innovation and much more. From the music of George Enescu to Mircea Topoleanu and Radu Ciorniciuc who just a few weeks ago won the Special Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival, from early plane innovator Henri Coanda to the Extreme Light Infrastructure facility, Romania has accomplished so much in so many fields and is today on the cusp of greatness. I want you to know that I share in that vision and will do all I can to work with Romania and its people to help Romania become the country it can and should be.

I also again want to thank you, the workers for the fine products you create here, and remind all of you that the Romanian people have no greater friend than the United States.

On behalf of President Trump and the American people we commit to continuing to work together so all Romanians will have a prosperous and secure future.

Thank you.

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Mihail Sebastian

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