RO: Pe 6 octombrie 2000 Bucovina, numita pe atunci “Til Evig Tid Bucovina”, urca prima oara pe o scena

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RO: Pe 6 octombrie 2000 Bucovina, numita pe atunci “Til Evig Tid Bucovina”, urca prima oara pe o scena. Azi privim in urma, la drumul de 20 de ani pe care l-am parcurs si ne dam seama cat de recunoscatori le suntem tuturor celor cu care am muncit in aceasta perioada, fanilor si sustinatorilor, prietenilor si chiar strainilor care ne-au ajutat, de pe trei continente.

Desi traversam o perioada tulbure, privim cu incredere inspre viitor, zambind la gandul ca doar primii 20 de ani sunt mai grei. Avem in lucru un nou album care va fi de-a dreptul efervescent, fara a-si pierde elementele care au definit muzica noastra in tot acest timp.

Va multumim pentru sustinere si speram sa vina cat mai curand momentul in care vom putea organiza un show care sa celebreze asa cum se cuvine primii 20 de ani de Folc Hevi Blec.

Crivat, Mishu, Luparul & Jorge.

ENG: It was on this very 6th of October, back in 2000, when Bucovina (Til Evig Tid Bucovina at that time) had their first-ever show. Looking back to this amazing 20-year path we realise how thankful we are to all those with whom we’ve worked, fans & supporters, friends and even strangers who’ve helped us, across three continents.

Dark as the present days might be, we confidently contemplate the future, smiling at the thought that the first 20 years are usually the hardest, then all will be fine. We’re currently working hard on the new album, a truly effervescent piece of music that brings forth all the elements that defined our music since 2000 on.

We humbly thank you for your support and hope to be able to finally put together a massive show to celebrate the first two decades of Folc Hevi Blec.

Crivat, Mishu, Luparul & Jorge.

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